General Information

Course of Study for Junior KG to XII

The course of study for grade 1 to 5 is based on the CBSE syllabus. Grade 6 to 12 are based on NCERT syllabus. The main subjects taught are English, Tamil, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Computer Science, Arts & Craft, General Knowledge, Moral instructions, Life skills & Physical Education are offered optionally, based on interest and need. Performance in all the above will be counted for promotion.

Senior Secondary Classes XI & XII

  • English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Biology
  • English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry & Computer Science
  • English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science

Tests and Exams

There will be Daily Tests, three Mid-Term tests, two of which will be in the first term (June to Nov) and the second term (Dec to April). Half-yearly and Annual Exams will be held in November and March respectively. Out of 100 marks for each subject 80 marks is for written and 20 marks is for internal assessment. Internal assessment marks are based on the notebook maintenance, subject enrichment and periodic assessment test. This internal assessment is done twice a year (Nov & April) up to class 8 and once in a year for classes 9 & 10.

Exam Hall Ticket

For every exam, students need to get their hall tickets to appear for the exams based on the following criteria:

  • Subjects – Class assignments and homework completion
  • Library – Borrowed books returned
  • Office & Hostel – Fee Clearance

Bus Fee Concession

The school provides optional transportation for students, with concessions for multiple students from the same family:

  • The first senior child will be charged the full fee.
  • The 2nd child from the same family shall be charged half fee.
  • The 3rd and subsequent children shall be charged no fee.


Separate hostels for Boys & Girls of 9 standard and above.


Students and staff may optionally have lunch at the school/Mess by purchasing the ‘Lunch Token’ before 11.00am.

Co-curricular programme

The school offers a rich and integrated co-curricular programme through ‘Activity Based Learning (ABL)’ for teaching and club activities. A healthy and team-based competitive climate is encouraged through House System, while providing ample opportunities for each child to prosper in one’s own interest. Generous appreciation and frequent awards keep the spirits high.

Student’s Name Format

The school follows the name format given in the Indian Passport application ( Here, ‘Given Name’ means ‘First Name’ followed by ‘Middle/Second Name’ (If any); ‘Surname’ is the same as the ‘Family/Last Name’. Please note that ‘Initials’ are not allowed anywhere.